Azure Cloud Service in Classic

Creating a Azure Cloud Service allows you to register a subdomain of and assigns a Virtual IP address (VIP) to the cloud service.

In this example we use “frondendlb” for our load balancing DNS name.

This would create the DNS name “” over the internet.

This blog post will cover how to create an Azure Cloud Service in Classic deployment model.

This post can be used together with:

Steps for creating an Azure Cloud Service

The steps to create this will be as follows.

Create new Azure Cloud Service

Select new, Compute, Cloud Service Custom Create

Azure Cloud Service

Enter unique URL for the Cloud Service, Select Region


Once deployed, the cloud service appears under Cloud Services


This can be used for example, when creating Virtual Machines. See Cloud Service “frontendlb” selected from the drop down below.

Any requests to DNS address will get directed to the Virtual Machine endpoint or load balanced network.

This was explained in article Creating Azure External Load Balancer in Classic.





About cloudinspired

Cloud Inspired authors have over 30 years experience within the IT industry, providing expertise and knowledge on infrastructure, hybrid, public and private clouds platforms. Detailed easy to follow technical videos, training and tutorial guides are provided by subject matter experts covering various technologies including Azure, IaaS, SaaS, PaaS and Microsoft 365. This website focuses mainly on the Microsoft 365 and Azure Cloud platform and provides easy to follow step by step technical guides, diagrams, cloud certifications and tutorials. The aim is to deliver articles and videos on Microsoft 365 and Azure Cloud from start to finish on many different Azure services and certifications, building and increasing the viewers knowledge in a short, logical, easy to understand format quickly getting to the point of the subject matter! Check out the YouTube channel for a full list of published Cloud Inspired videos and lets get inspired about Cloud!

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